About Rotary

Meeting Information:

The Southern Pines Rotary Club meets every Friday at 11:45 AM at the Hilton Garden Inn in Southern Pines.

There are several opportunities available to make up a missed Rotary meeting. Fellowship with other clubs is encouraged. Other local clubs and meeting times are as follows:

Make Up On-Line via the World Wide Web
eClub One Rotary Club

Pinehurst Rotary
Tuesday at 12 Noon at theĀ Pinehurst Resort Member’s Club

Sandhills Rotary
Wednesday at 7:00 AM at the Carolina Hotel

Carthage Rotary
Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month @Noon at the McDonald Building

North Moore
Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month @Noon at Robbin’s Fire Department (301 Branson Circle) in Robbins

District 7690 Local Make Up Locations
District 7690 Meeting Makeups

Other opportunities:

Make Up Anywhere Around the World
Rotary International Make-ups

Volunteer opportunities and Board Meeting attendance are also very good ways to make up a missed meeting. See the Calendar page for upcoming events.